How can we help you?
Account & Payments
Account & Payments
eSIM Assistance
eSIM Assistance
eSIM Guide
eSIM Guide
eSIM Troubleshooting
eSIM Troubleshooting
How do I update my account information?
How do I update or delete a payment method?
How do I view and download a receipt?
Requesting a receipt for an old or recent order?
How do I view my receipts and order history?
What is an eSIM and what are its benefits?
Which devices support eSIM?
Does eSIM work in all locations (Cruises, Mountains, Deserts, etc.)?
Will my Standard/Physical SIM Card still work with an eSIM Card installed?
What do I need to install the eSIM on my phone?
The data is gone. Can I recharge?
I have doubts about installing the eSIM. How do I do?
When should I install and activate the eSIM?
Will I automatically connect when I arrive at my destination?
Can I transfer the eSIM to another device?
How does the cancellation and refund policy work?
Can I use my applications normally? For example WhatsApp?
Does my plan have calls and SMS included?
I can't log into my account.
How can I make a complaint?
I think my account may have been hacked!
I need help with an eSIM. What do I do?
My account has an unrecognized charge!
I have a question or problem related to payment!
Why did the service stop working?
I can't scan my eSIM QR Code! Why?